• Got a lovely whirligig at the garden show today

  • 📷micro.blog March photo challenge

    I like to spice my homemade sauerkraut with yellow mustard seeds and caraway.

    three jars of sauerkraut next to a fermenting crock

  • 📷micro.blog March photo challenge

    Journaling and coffee: my favorite morning ritual.

    armchair with a notebook and a cup of coffee next to it

  • 📷micro.blog March photo challenge

    One of my favorite places to walk later in the spring.

    wooden walkway over a wetland garden with irises in bloom

  • Two months ago, we planned to recycle this box; but occupants continue to occupy it. Happy Caturday. 🐈

    striped cat dozing in a box on a floor next to a bookshelf

  • Our cat Posey started joining us for morning yoga. She sprawls on the middle of my mat, and then rolls around, while meowing a LOT. It’s not very meditative with her there, nor is it easy to move around her; but I never tire of her antics.

    Happy Microblogvember.

  • “Aluminum” is one of my favorite words to write in cursive. Also, “onomatopoeia,” “telomere,” and “phalarope.”

    Happy Microblogvember.

  • One of our children is now paying his own cell phone bill. Maybe we’ll buy a beach house with the savings 🤣

  • Yay! Getting up to pet the cats or make some tea counts as exercise.

  • Started fiddling with interstitial journaling a few weeks ago. It’s surprisingly helpful. It’s like a combination emotion/distraction management tool, and a “now, where was I?” log. I’m using the Amplenote Daily Jots feature for mine. Ness Labs open-access description with Roam tips here, or scale the Wall of Medium to see Tony Stubblebine’s original article here.

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