: new box shift change

: Guaranteed overheard: “It’s too hot to lay eggs, Andy!”

: new box

: mystery visitor

: Summer evening sounds: train whistle, cicadas

: just chillin’, listening to cicadas

: Two-legged, three-legged, and four-legged colleagues Weeknotes Digest

: summertime



: “If you did not drop it, do not pick it up!” Warning sign, Dolly Sods wilderness area

: The purple martins are BACK! And they sound like 1980s video games:

: Hydrangea! Acidic soil = blue. Alkaline soil = pink. Our soil = ¯\ (ツ)/¯

: The fireflies are BACK!

: Fermenting and emulsifying: Weeknotes, May 27-31

: 🇺🇸

: Trying something new, I think it may actually turn out to be useful: Weeknotes for May 20-24


: Got a lovely whirligig at the garden show today

: … but does your infrastructure have googly eyes?

: roses

: The catbirds are BACK! My favorite summer birds, and not just because of the name. They can do a lot …

: Nests around the house this week

: The chimney swifts are back!! So nice to see them skimming the skies again just before evening. Too …

: Not able to see a great Irish band this year, but reminiscing about seeing Altan, Solas, Lunasa, the …

: A river of daffodils

: I do believe my mother has more St. Patrick’s Day decorations than Christmas ones.

: So we have to move furniture for an upcoming house repair, and one cat has a massive case of the …

: Two kinds of people: those who can’t focus without music playing, and those who can’t focus with it. …

: Happy Caturday

: “Where’s my coffee?”

: On Getting Over It annahavron.com Never.

: So strange. I have been thinking of my father so much today, who died a few months ago. And I have …

: Don’t you hate it when there’s a line?

: Got the Bird Buddy feeder set up! It’s quite popular with the neighbors.

: My beloved father died a little over a week ago. For his first patent, we all got a tee shirt.

: Autumn

: I must face facts! There is no Closet Organizing Fairy. The giant mess I’ve made by pulling …

: This Happens Every Year Squirrel cache hickory nut hiding place #1: the flower box on the left …

: Define “Spiritual” annahavron.com Notoriously hard to define, but I’m trying.


: “Here’s the deal. The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants …

: In the Moment annahavron.com Listen.

: Problem 1: screen blocker Problem 2: randomized keyboard reprogrammer Solution: give him his own …


: Warning Lights annahavron.com How do I know when I’m losing my mind? Easy. I wrote it down.

: Indoors today because of air quality from wildfire smoke. In the early 1970s, we lived near Los …


: Okay, y’all; we really mean it. (Taphouse in Virginia, for Father’s Day burgers.)

: Purple Martin sanctuary, Virginia. Purple martins are swallows that are found only in the Americas. …

: Holding the Space annahavron.com On making room for the slow, messy, unpredictable process of living …

: What is fun about going to an overnight conference: I get to use my travel-friendly enamel Moomin …

: Weird. No matter how much I procrastinate, the task I’m putting off is still there. I thought …

: Where Have I Been inspired by alexink , Manton, Andreas, Maique Sadly, only 3 countries: Canada Germany Greece Not …

: May! May! May! May! May!

: Professional Wild Birds annahavron.com Maybe they actually do know what they’re doing.

: How does your community help you live out your values? annahavron.com Technology increases our …

: A little more city bird watching. I love, love, love the tile art in the NYC subway stations. This …

: City Hawk annahavron.com Not just pigeons in Manhattan.

: Occupants continuing to occupy the box I didn’t get around to recycling quickly enough, last …

: Grateful that the office cats chose to work with me today. Happy Caturday. 🐈

: Learned to check Eastern bluebird nest boxes today, and hoping to do it for many years to come.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge No matter how much I practice taking photos, I will never truly …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge The Shenandoah river, a mirror for heron rookery. Bluebells on …

: What Do You Want to Make Real in the World? annahavron.com What if, instead of asking yourself, …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge a slice of sunrise under the cloud cover

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Cherry blossoms prompt me to take pictures.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Mutual support.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge old instrument

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge I like to spice my homemade sauerkraut with yellow mustard seeds …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge This court house is now a museum.

: The Stripey One took his chance to jump into the Forbidden Cupboard.

: I am honestly struggling to figure out what to think about ChatGPT (which perhaps matters to no one …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge This insect is made of Legos.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Bantam roosters look tiny compared to regular chickens.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge The Stripey One is savoring one of the few houseplants safe for …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge analog request for Mom to put in an online order for sea monkeys, …

: We heard some fabulous Irish bands last night, which reminded me of verbal phrases for musical …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge portico at the farmer’s market

: Prioritize Your Time by Pretending It Is Money annahavron.com Think of your time in terms of money, …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge early in their relationship

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge road in Gettysburg National Military Park, Irish Brigade monument

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge patience while waiting for dinnertime

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Horizon Driftwood Beach, Jekyll Island, Georgia, U.S.A. 2016.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge connection

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Something shiny on the catio. This screened-in porch allows prime …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge _A poem for Caturday_🐈 Solar-powered waving paw. Gimcrack, or …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Journaling and coffee: my favorite morning ritual.

: Birds of a feather, flocking together, with the neighbor’s wandering turkey hen. 2017.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge One of my favorite places to walk later in the spring.

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Whoa, we can fit a whole office cat in this carpeted circle …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Purple Martin bird house engineering: gourd shaped. Entrance hole …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Tile

: Occupants continuing to occupy this box we had intended to recycle in 2022. Happy Caturday. 🐈

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Zip Going to learn how to monitor bluebird nest boxes this …

: Draw Your Demons annahavron.com When we take something that haunts us, and give it a name and an …

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Solitude

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge Weather Looks like rain coming in

: 📷micro.blog March photo challenge secure

: Your Roles and Your Rules: How to Set Boundaries for Work and Life annahavron.com Write down your …

: Two months ago, we planned to recycle this box; but occupants continue to occupy it. Happy Caturday. …

: From the archives. My most beloved editor, of blessed memory. Happy Caturday. 🐈 @Denny This was …

: Journaling as a Tool for Action annahavron.com How to keep a contemplative, yet action-oriented …

: Birdwatching. Happy Caturday. 🐈

: Currently reading: The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control by Katherine Morgan Schafler 📚 …

: Use Ceremonial Actions to Prepare Yourself for Change annahavron.com Tap into the power of …

: The single most helpful phrase for this parent of young adult children: “Wow, that’s …

: Use a Ceremonial Object to Change Your Behavior annahavron.com Here’s your excuse to buy that …

: For 2023, Schedule ONE Daily Thing That Is Not Work-Related annahavron.com …This is often a …

: This is one of those anxiety-provoking weeks where I want to hang this sign in front of my face. …

: Well, I finally got around to paying those bills I was procrastinating on; no doubt because I had …

: Adventures with My New Dumb Phone annahavron.com My smart phone is now a mini-tablet.

: I’ve noticed as I get older, I do more things related to safety; for example, carrying a …

: Not this, not that, neither fish nor fowl. Happy Microblogvember.

: If I’m ever on trend with anything, it’s usually by coincidence. Happy Microblogvember.

: Motivation and Sunday afternoons do not go together. Happy Microblogvember.

: For some reason, during one of my busiest months of the year, I took on the commitment to post daily …

: Pie for breakfast after Thanksgiving is practically a ritual around here. Happy Microblogvember.

: With all the holiday hubbub going on, I feel proud of myself when I remember to do the things that …

: Excited about family coming in over the next few days for Thanksgiving. Watching my phone more than …

: We Give Thanks. annahavron.com

: Thanksgiving dinner is great. To graze on the leftover pie* for breakfast the next day, imho, is …

: Looks like we’re feeding lots of interesting birds this year. No wonder the yard was so quiet.

: I like ice in my water glass, even in November. Happy Microblogvember.

: “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat …

: I wish I were less attracted to novel apps, and more contented with my old reliable ones. Happy …

: Our cat Posey started joining us for morning yoga. She sprawls on the middle of my mat, and then …

: Looking at the calendar makes me feel like I’m tumbling down Niagara Falls, as we barrel …


: As a political science nerd, to my mind, it’s all about the franchise. Happy Microblogvember.

: “Aluminum” is one of my favorite words to write in cursive. Also, …

: When I was very young, I petted a black and white kitty with a strange stripe, and immediately …

: This weekend the calendar showed me that I need to adjust my expectations for how much I will …

: I had a suspicion a squirrel was getting into our bird feeder, and here is proof. Note that the …

: Most of its leaves are down now; but here is my neighbor’s gingko last week, on full autumn …

: Inner Trolls, and Better Angels: Being a Person, Online annahavron.com

: What do you call a left-handed pastor? A sinister minister. Happy Microblogvember.

: Sometimes I wish I were as certain as a one-handed economist. But, on the other hand… Happy …

: The Home Paper Shredder I’m Keeping. analogoffice.net

: The feline consensus is that it is meal time, right now. The human does not agree. Happy …

: Note to self: insight doesn’t count unless it’s linked with action. Happy …

: Struggles for full citizenship and voting access still echo from the past. Happy Microblogvember.

: On April 15th I’m all verklempt, because we are not tax-exempt. Happy Microblogvember.

: Best “I Voted” sticker I’ve ever seen.

: Today at Analog Office World Headquarters, I shared my admiration for monster document shredding …

: In ancient times, I gave software companies my credit card number, and then they gave me a license. …

: The Licking of the Spoon: a foretaste of the canned food breakfast feast to come. Happy …

: Two neighbors have garden compasses, example here. With one, if you face North on the obelisk, the …

: Big Adventure, Little Adventure annahavron.com

: Autumn leaves, morning fog.

: Cardboard shredder preparing to bite that corner; and box sitter, making sure it’s occupied. …

: The World Stops When a Kind Person Dies. annahavron.com

: A Day in the Life Cemetery, Shenandoah County, Virginia, USA, 2:15 p.m. Officiated at one funeral …

: Thank goodness for Caturday micro.bloggers. I needed some great cat pictures today 😻

: Fat Bear Week! I love this contest so much. Wilderness education + magnificent bears.

: Organization Is a Spiritual Practice annahavron.com

: It Takes As Long To Get Back, As It Did To Get Away annahavron.com

: Keeping Up with the News, Sanely annahavron.com

: Beans, teaching Buddha how to meditate. 🐈 Happy Caturday.

: Look! No one is biting anyone’s ears. No one is swatting anyone’s face. No one is …

: Another lovely morning walk, and the green heron was here today, too. I think it’s a juvenile …

: Really liking the wetland trail downtown. Here’s a green heron!

: Landing Lights: Making Decisions in Times of Transition annahavron.com

: Some house sparrows built a nest behind this gutter. They planted their own rooftop garden with the …

: Thanks to @aa for this wonderful key wrist strap! The leather lining on the inside means it’s …

: Don’t Hold a Job, Hold an Office Instead annahavron.com

: You are Here, and Here, and Here: Organization as Mental Extension annahavron.com

: Roles from the Outside, Roles from the Inside annahavron.com

: We have three species of fireflies in our yard: Flares, Lawn Blinkies, and Tree Blinkies. I love …

: Getting Organized Means You Separate Deciding from Doing annahavron.com

: Sculpture depicting one of my favorite childhood games.

: When Work is Love Made Visible annahavron.com

: Whew, we were running low on house finches. Grateful for home delivery.

: We don’t have an aquarium; just a school of catnip fish - microblog photo challenge, May 30

: After a hard week, it’s great to hang out with my favorite stripes - microblog photo …

: Perfection versus Potential: Be a Tree annahavron.com

: “Did you save any birds for me, or did you watch them all?” – my husband

: Make Your Home a Sanctuary with the Four S’s annahavron.com

: How to Find Out What Actually Makes Your Life Better annahavron.com

: I wait all year for this tree peony to bloom.

: Just got back from a fantastic visit to Portland, Oregon. Here are some pics, from most to least …

: Make a “Yes and No” List annahavron.com h/t @uncertainquark

: Cherry blossom.

: It’s Crunch Time annahavron.com

: Hey, Let’s Talk About Death annahavron.com

: So someone in my family needs a medical screening test. I asked the medical expert I live with, what …

: We find what we are looking for: “There aren’t very many toys in the prehistoric …

: Manage Your Personal Information: Paper, Digital, or Both? annahavron.com

: First sign of spring: flocks of robins swooping over the back road. Hundreds of them.

: The Souls of Things: Decluttering and Disposal as Sacred Acts annahavron.com

: Decide once. Write it down. Free your mind for better things. annahavron.com

: He’s liking the split keyboard.

: Coach yourself to live out your values. annahavron.com

: Hey, micro.bloggers who use TextExpander, I’m starting a trial of this service. What is one …

: ”…and in western East Virginia today, a shocking take-down of Santa Claus. A feline …

: A simple pot of beans. annahavron.com

: Waiting for files to upload… waiting for files to upload…. I wonder what would be a …

: He loves his radiator.

: Press “pause.” Even in December. Even when you have kids. annahavron.com

: On welcoming guests, and getting things done, and welcoming them anyway even if you didn’t. …

: The Great Thanksgiving Pie Debate: my family is from New England, his is from Tennessee. I know that …

: I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this….

: Just discovered this site. No piece of string is safe from me now. Animated Knots

: Your roles give you your rules

: Sugar maple

: On cold, rainy days, they cycle back and forth between radiators. Microblog October 29 photo …

: Oliver Burkeman’s cosmic insignificance therapy, and what I learned about significance from …

: Hippies Use Side Door

: There is a brick road underneath the asphalt. Micro.blog October photo challenge Day 28: underneath

: Our little princess is always dreaming of chaos. October photoblogging challenge

: Treat yourself.

: Eat more biscuits.

: What Willie said.

: Sit.

: My husband’s response to a broken china cup: “We already have a compost heap. Why …

: Rural vs Suburban: Number of Vehicles is Analogous to Number of Cats My husband grew up in suburbia. I grew up in the country. As we were driving through rural Virginia, …



: A house finch decided to make her nest on the wreath on our front door. I get scolded whenever I get …

: Baltimore oriole nest - looks like a little hammock!

: My brain keeps thinking it’s better than my checklists, but no.

: Shenandoah Valley

: My rural commute today was enlivened by a man in overalls standing in the middle of the road. He put …

: I got annoyed because a butterfly was messing with my schedule. …

: Guardian of the Bamboo Forest, issuing a warning, or perhaps making a prophecy. Can’t be sure.

: Okay, Brood X cicadas… That’s my garlic you’re resting on! The sheer numbers get …

: Brood X periodic cicada hanging out on my back patio after 17 years underground. I think they are …

: Routine daily chore, for about a month every seventeen years: sweep up the spent Brood X cicadas …

: Full bloom ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’

: Raindrops on roses

: Brood X cicada burrows - the red ant in the upper left is on the edge of one, and there is another …

: More signs of spring: bluebells and ramps!

: Cherry tree – peak bloom, today!

: It fascinates me that cherry blossoms fall as whole blossoms.

: Today I came upon the well-ordered hamlet of Spoonville.

: Today at Zoom coffee hour, we discussed balancing eggs during the vernal equinox.

: The world’s worst mockingbird has moved into our yard. Chases off all the smaller songbirds; …

: Today at Zoom coffee hour, we evaluated the merits of dandelion wine, persimmon wine, and blackberry …

: At last.

: Recent dinner conversation: the cook said, “I put a surprise ingredient in this!” One of …

: "Awareness, Acceptance, Exploration..." in a cell phone picture Just took a marvelous online workshop from Goodhart Photography called ‘Photography for …

: Hey you, I mean, y'all, I mean yinz, youse guys Today at Zoom Coffee Hour, we mulled over the variety of terms for the second person plural pronoun. …

: "You like cats," she said. A statement, not a question: we were both wearing face masks with cat pictures, in the check-out …

: That's a good question... KELLY: Which - I suppose, as a non-scientist, I have to ask, why? What would be the great loss to …

: Machine February photoblogging This machine reminds me of this other machine.

: energy February photoblogging The Tablecloth Monster returns. And yes: she pulls it all down. Oh, …

: The Office Cats are in. They love these cat ball beds. Especially because I put them next to the …

: muddy February photoblogging This is muddy…. raw, and cooked.

: Lately, my cats have been adding drama to their routines. When one leaves the litter box, the other …

: Morning Beverage February Photoblogging Coffee + journaling, first thing every morning. …

: Close up February Photoblogging Challenge Vintage rocker blotter.

: Sometimes our cat Beans purrs so intensely he gets the hiccups.

: Today at Zoom coffee hour we pondered the word “cattywampus.”

: One of our children is now paying his own cell phone bill. Maybe we’ll buy a beach house with …

: Yay! Getting up to pet the cats or make some tea counts as exercise.

: Today at Zoom coffee hour, a lively discussion over whether planting seeds – or fence posts …

: “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy …

: Great start to inauguration day here in the U.S.: watching some picturesque snow flurries while …

: My mental DJ this morning has been playing “What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor,” …

: The apple processing plant in town is making apple butter today – the air outside smells like …

: Wanted to cook something with fennel bulb, but the supermarket was out… which is unusual. A …

: Today at Zoom coffee hour, a local historian mentioned that people often hid things in grandfather …

: New Year’s Day began with a moment of peace, before the black and white one realized she was …

: Tried Drambuie last night. How come so many liqueurs taste like licorice? Sigh.

: That about sums it up.

: Started fiddling with interstitial journaling a few weeks ago. It’s surprisingly helpful. …

: This is the week to clean out the old year’s files and spreadsheets, and set up the new ones. …

: Our common image of experience is about as accurate as a still photograph of a man riding a …

: Year in Review, March 2020: the Catio For the first time, I’m doing a yearly review using this template from Ness Labs. However, …

: Year in Review, April 2020: We Succeed in Doubling Household Cat Census, but Fail Miserably at Sourdough One month later, we adopted Beans, the nervous fellow in the box below. And yes, besides adopting a …

: Year in Review, April 2020: Birds and Bluebells Our daughter moved back home with us to attend grad school. On this day we walked at a retreat …

: Year in Review, May 2020: Had to Cancel Spring Vacation, Garden Tries to Compensate The hydrangeas decided to be all the colors this year.

: Year in Review, June 2020: Mass Mantis Transportation So when we screened in the catio last summer, we neglected to notice the praying mantis egg case …

: Year in Review, August 2020: At the Beach, Even the Clouds Made Waves Vacation in late August, to a quiet beach cottage. This was one of the strangest cloud formations …

: Year in Review, October 2020: Had to Cancel Family Visits, But at Least the Trees Were Beautiful Gingko grove at arboretum; trees in front of our house. We had a three-hour Zoomsgiving.

: Year in Review, November 2020: Beans Tries All the Beds Beans eventually came out from under the humans’ bed and tried to share a cat bed with Posey. …

: Year in Review, December 2020: Dear Family, Please Don't Blame the Post Office... …when you open your Christmas boxes. In the red tote, we have Posey hunkering down to …